to Incredible U
Where the focus is on you; where leaps of faith happen regularly; and where incredible comes from within. With your business adviser and coach, Kylie Bishop, you will create a relationship where honesty and confidentiality are a given and where your definition of success is a working strategy. A relationship that connects and encourages your strengths and develops any important weaknesses. A relationship that offers clarity, positivity, and proactivity. You are the best person to make your dreams come true, but you are unlikely to be able to do it alone, nor will you want to. Kylie will be a great person to have on your team and someone you can tap in and out of as your career progresses.
Meet Kylie
Coach and Business Advisor
After co-founding multiple successful businesses in 2007 and 2011 and discovering her passion for supporting the development of young people, professional women, and small business owners, Kylie Bishop founded Incredible U in 2013.
Kylie is a Managing Director, a CEO, an entrepreneur, and a coach and business advisor. She is also a proud mother of five children, and has felt the impact of divorce, marriage, cancer, and depression whilst maintaining a jam-packed professional career.
Kylie’s capacity to find pragmatic solutions with strong EQ that influences an outcome with an uncanny ability, and her 20 years+ experience in professional consulting environments, led to her being named the South Australian Telstra Business Woman of the Year in 2012. In the same year, she also was the winner of the Hudson Private Sector Award and was runner up in the Nokia Innovation Award.
In addition to a corporate career, she has founded 3 companies and offers her clients a perspective from a broad skill set that includes:
Finance and people management
Small and large business dynamics
Effective communication
Business and risk analysis
Strategic planning
Policy, procedure, and process development
Team building

"Kylie Bishop is the sort of mentor that once you have connected with her, you can’t believe you didn’t seek her out sooner. She is honest, fiercely supportive, & exceptional at picking up on the details that you never thought were relevant or sometimes refuse to acknowledge and don’t verbalise. She has your back & you can count on her to have you leaving a mentor session buzzing with a renewed sense of determination & a feeling that someone actually understands & gives a hoot about YOU."
- Kim @ The Solutions Workshop
The sessions Kylie and I spend together are incredibly enlightening and empowering. I always walk away with a range of tools and confidence to work on the changes I want to make personally and professionally. Kylie is wise, gifted and wonderfully human.
- Corrine Allison, GM South Terrace Urology
We commenced our mentoring sessions after Kylie saw something in me that I didn’t. Her investment of time, wisdom and her “glass half full” view on all things, leaves me feeling energised and empowered to be proactive in both work and in life.
Kylie tells it like it is. This is what creates the freedom to delve deep into fears and admit to the excuses that can hold us back.
Kylie has provided me with unique advice on how to navigate first-time motherhood whilst continuing to fulfil a demanding role within a male dominated industry.