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The Incredible Story

Kylie shares the story of how Incredible U came to life.


The last was reading Sheryl Sandberg’s “Lean In” and the feeling I had when I finished it. It was a defining moment for me. I decided then and there to take action and to be part of the revolution that would see women and small business owners raised to their full heights.

These events crystalised four things for me:

  1. Each of us has a unique version of Incredible.

  2. Incredible is not a word we should be confronted by and people are entitled to have a high opinion of us Together we are bolder, braver and better.

  3. Coaching and mentoring should always be about you.

Incredible U had taken shape…..

Kylie Bishop

Managing Director

After a number of years coaching and mentoring under one of my other company banners, a series of things brought Incredible U to life.

The first was my involvement in the wonderful process that is the Telstra Business Women’s Awards and its slogan: “Incredible Can Come From Anywhere”. A strong message that struck right to the heart of my philosophy as a coach and mentor.


The next was a very large photo in the local paper after I had won the 2012 SA Telstra Business Woman of the Year award, with a headline that read “Kylie Is Incredible”. I arrived to find the page open in the office and my team talking about it. The very first thing I did was gasp and shut the paper! All too natural a reaction I suspect when someone else validates us so publicly. On reflection it was not in keeping with my mantra of sharing success and celebrating milestones with people I care about.

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